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Debian 12 & new PBS server

Recently we set up a new frontend zenith running on Debian 12 - see Complete list of frontends, their homes and OSs.

At the same time, we are preparing to transfer from PBS Pro to Open PBS.

A new Open PBS server is up and running.

Old PBS Pro servers, and have been decommissioned and their workload was transferred to

Elixir users

New queue

Users of the elixir group shall submit their jobs to reserved queue, e.g.

qsub -l walltime=1:0:0 -q -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=400mb:scratch_local=400mb

elixir users still have their reserved pool of nodes with separate planning.

Known issues

Python on Debian 12

  • typing "python" on zenith frontend will get you 3.x.x version of Python
  • if you need some 2.x.x version of Python, you have to add it through a module (module avail python/)

Missing libraries

Try module add debian11/compat if you run into "library XY: no such file or directory" type of problem.

If this does not help, contact us at